Starting new Architecture Series and a big surprise…
Some days ago I thought that I neglected my architecture photography section quite a lot. Now I want to try to keep up with all the achitecture picture (mostly modern architecture) I took in the past 1-2 years, which I haven’t had time to process yet. I hope you’re also looking forward for some architecture shots 😉
And now to the best part: My picture “Peaks and Rails” which was taken during the g+ photwalk in Berlin back in 2012 received a daily deviation at deviantART!!!
See here:
Seems like a good start for new architecture footage 😉
And here comes the first picture in that series. It was taken in Hamburg during a photowalk back in 2012.

Up into the light
A short break from the previous fashion portraits, here is a shot from the last devMeet in Kassel, Germany. I did a long exposure to get rid of the people who walked up the stairs, to at least make them appear as ghosts.
A really nice effect I did not account for before the exposure were the ghost-hands on the rails, this finally gave the picture a spooky flair I was aiming for.