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Fashion Shooting Schackypark – Part 2

This is the second part of the fashion portrait series which was shot in a picturesque park (Schackypark) on the south shore of Ammersee / Lake Ammer back in May this year.

Design: JeneJana
Models: Jana, Theresa
MUA: Mika Ledies MakeUp

Up into the light

A short break from the previous fashion portraits, here is a shot from the last devMeet in Kassel, Germany. I did a long exposure to get rid of the people who walked up the stairs, to at least make them appear as ghosts.

A really nice effect I did not account for before the exposure were the ghost-hands on the rails, this finally gave the picture a spooky flair I was aiming for.

Up into the light
Up into the light

devMeet in Kassel

Last weekend I was on a photowalk / devMeet (deviantART meet) in Kassel (Germany). It was quite fun to meet new people and to discover the interesting places there as I’ve never been in Kassel before. And here is a group picture 😉

Kassel devMeet Groupphoto
Kassel devMeet Groupphoto

Currently I’m thinking of doing a similar thing around Munich sometime. Anybody interested? 🙂

Fashion Shooting Schackypark – Part 1

I’m finally publishing a series which was shot in a picturesque park (Schackypark) on the south shore of Ammersee / Lake Ammer back in May this year.

Design: JeneJana
Models: Jana, Theresa
MUA: Mika Ledies MakeUp