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Epic moments in Iceland after the light faded away

This time I present you some pictures which have been taken when the daylight faded away already, in the case of Elusive Light you might be intrigued to think the warm light is coming from a sunset, but this is wrong, the warm light behind the rock results from a moonset during late dawn.

Due to a low population and a relatively high population density in the capital of Iceland (Reykjavik) there are no other big cities on Iceland which would produce much light pollution during the night.
Therefore when we had clear skies in Iceland we could always see plenty of stars across the sky.
Celestial Dreams was captured in a particular cold night at Dettifoss we were lucky to have very clear skies, we could see the milky-way in all it’s beauty even with our bare eyes. It was really fascinating to see a pitch-black sky (not kidding), with millions of visible stars, it felt like as if we could see into space because the sky was so dark.


More Icelandic beauty

Here are three more pictures of my (N)Iceland series 😉

We were really lucky to see aurora borealis (or simply northern lights) already on our first day after we arrived, we could see the aurora several times during our two week stay, but this was also the strongest aurora we ever experienced.


Iceland Gallery added!

Finally I’ve uploaded the majority of my Iceland pictures, there is still some work in progress 😉

And here I present you the first 3:

Remaining architecture pictures from Frankfurt

While browsing through my gallery I discovered that I already added the remaining pictures from Frankfurt, but I didn’t mention adding them to the gallery, so now I’d like to highlight the remaining shots 😉

The next batch of pictures with a modern architecture based theme will be from my last trip Tokyo. Stay tuned 😉


Salzburg Panoramas

Well I already mentioned I’ve been to Salzburg last April, so now it’s time to show some pictures. To be honest I’ve not processed all shots yet, but I can already present two panoramas which are worth showing.