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Long overdue update of Japan gallery

While browsing the Japan gallery I spotted some missing pictures from the trip in 2017 with my buddy Alex. It’s a mix of images from our hike on the southern tropical island of Yakushima and our roadtrip on the southern-most main island Kyushu. Enjoy 😉

New gallery “Concrete Jungles of Tokyo” is up

Some time ago I was browsing my images from my last trip to Tokyo during Winter of 2015.
While browsing I discovered many unedited pictures and decided to make a series out of them because they all follow a consistent theme and unlike my previous modern architecture photos they are in colour. Please have a look at the Concrete Jungles of Tokyo – Gallery.

And here I give you a little teaser:


New pictures added to landscape aerial gallery

Once in a while I wanted to update my landscape aerial gallery because it’s long due!


Landscape pictures from Japan added to gallery

The gallery “Japan” with the first pictures of the natural beauty of Japan has been added to the “Landscape” section. Enjoy 😉


New stuff from Japan

Lately I’ve been processing more shots from my past travels to Japan. This not only includes the beautiful landscapes of North Japan but also includes some modern architecture from Tokyo. I also managed to continue two recent series, the “Observer” and “Zebra” theme got an addition each.

Here are the first 3, enjoy 😉